From the recording PATRIARCHY USA


From the album, “Patriarchy USA” Written by Rick Cittar

I heard some noise on my TV, wondered what the news could be
Domination by all males, sticks, and stones, and puppy dog tails
Men just want to keep you down, down, down on the ground
Sugar, spice, and everything nice, got to pay an awful price!

What’s this evil thing I see?
Take away your life and liberty

Patriarchy U.S.A.
Patriarchy U.S.A.

Forget about the rights of men keep on taking what you can
Bitch and moan the whole night long, sing your favorite victim song
Men just want to keep you down, down, down on the ground
Get up, stand up on your feet, come on in or take a seat

It’s just a state of mind, no matter what you feel
If you think it’s true dat, reality appears
Equality is what must be throughout our great society
You crave superiority, but what says our biology?

Patriarchy U.S.A
Patriarchy U.S.A.

What’s this evil thing I see?
Take away your life and liberty

Patriarchy U.S.A.
Patriarchy U.S.A.

Copyright ©, 2021, All rights reserved Chuleto Publishing, ASCAP